Building the Capacity of Civil Society to shape Public Policy Reform in the Caribbean to Protect Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Between 2013 and 2015 this project strengthened the ability of citizens to advocate for improved environmental governance and decision-making in key biodiversity areas and conservation corridors in Jamaica, including Cockpit Country, the Portland Bight Protected Area (PBPA), the North Coast Forest and the Black River Morass.
Under the project the Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) and the World Resources Institute (WRI), along with partners, formed The Access Initiative (TAI) National Coalition to assess the status of access rights in Jamaica using 18 case studies, and making recommendations to the Government of Jamaica for improvements:
Environmental Information, Participation and Justice – An Assessment by The Access Initiative Jamaica [Full Report]
The project also trained communities how to interact with the media, make requests for information using the Access to Information Act (Access to Information Guide), conduct advocacy campaigns and made proposed changes to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process in Jamaica.
The project was funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF).