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- Create Date September 21, 2022
- Last Updated September 21, 2022
Garbage and the Gully: Investigating Attitudes to solid waste management along the South Gully, Montego Bay, St James
Poor solid waste management practices are one of the most challenging environmental issues in Jamaica. The South Gully Research Project examined the solid waste issues surrounding the South Gully, which is located in one of Jamaica’s major resort areas, Montego Bay, St. James. The study was comprised of a desktop study to determine the source and extent of the South Gully. Primary research was also conducted by way of social research using surveys, interviews and a focus group to determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices of residents, business operators and government stakeholders associated with the South Gully. Physical research was used to observe the types, locations and quantity of solid waste being dumped in the gully. The results were used to determine correlations between respondent’s demographic profile/geographic location and their strategies of waste disposal. Results also gave insight on local solid waste management systems and infrastructure, as well as the common perceptions of the impact of solid waste on the environment, communities, health and tourism.